AD cube.
All the campaigns you want.
One platform.

An AI system for the optimization of online advertising campaigns.

AD cube automates some of the most critical tasks of media agencies and advertisers with the power of artificial intelligence. Create your project, add your campaigns from all the activated channels, and let AD cube optimize them—all in one online platform.

With a simple and intuitive interface, AD cube supports marketers in the most critical decisions for their business by suggesting the best investment strategies and changes to be made to advertising campaigns to maximize their performance, thanks to the power of proprietary AI algorithms.

About us

Our Values

Consistently working with customers closely, ML cube team has a deep insight in how AI enhances your business.

We believe that Artificial Intelligence will be part of our lives and design models for every business, becoming an inseparable part for products and services.

In this demanding scenario, we want to play a key-role supporting customers who choose to invest in AI with innovative tools to guarantee high-standards performance and a life-long maintenance of their AI system.

Our Mission

We help you not only apply AI to your business, but to make a success of it.

Our PhD-trained AI engineers can help you implement state of the art techniques for AI to deliver products that learn, adapt, and interact with their environment.

We have experience in developing tailored solutions — including complex machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision technologies — for entrepreneurs, startups, and Middle and Large companies.

Use AD cube to boost
your ADS performance

Adcube is an AI system for the optimization of online advertising campaigns.

This product automatizes some of the most important tasks that media agencies and more generally marketers have to perform during the setup and the management of an advertising campaign. Furthermore, Adcube, exploiting predictive models, supports marketers on making decisions that significantly impact on their business. These tools, through a user-friendly interface, suggest the optimal investment strategies and actions to be taken on advertising platforms to maximize the performance.

How AD cube solves
user problems

AD cube allows users to link their Facebook, Instagram, and Google accounts with the related sponsored campaigns to manage them from a single platform.

AD cube allows you to manage and optimize a mix of multi-channel campaigns in a single platform.

Once access to user data has been obtained, AD cube provides various tools for optimizing the spending and budget plan and monitoring your campaigns.

How does it work

AD cube uses the APIs of each platform to process campaigns’ data and train predictive machine learning models.

These models are exploited to calculate the optimal budget allocation that maximizes the KPIs set by the user.

This optimal budget allocation is automatically set across all platforms and updated daily based on market movements. 

Modules: SpendOpt
and BudOpt


Predictive models to support the definition of the spend plan of an advertising campaign.

During the definition of a contract with the end client, the marketers must define the campaign goal in terms of volumes, ROI, traffic, etc. The definition of objectives determines the amount of budget invested for the entire campaign and marketer are often conditioned by the achievement of these objectives.

For this reason, It is crucial to predict in advance the potential of a campaign in order to both define achievable goals with the client and above all to establish what is the amount of budget that should be invested in advertising.

SpendOpt is a tool based on Machine Learning techniques that predicts the performance of a set of advertising campaigns in terms of volumes and ROI depending on the overall budget invested. SpendOpt answers the hard question “How much should I invest?” that the clients of a media agency ask themselves. The output of the algorithm are the Volumes / Budget and ROI / budget curves that suggest to the end customer how much to invest to achieve their goals.


Automatic system for the budget optimization of an advertising campaign.

One of the more challenging tasks that marketers need to perform when managing an advertising campaign is the budget optimization. Typically, the marketer has to manage, for each customer, a monthly budget that has to be partitioned over a set (typically tens or hundreds) of advertising campaigns that target different classes of users and belonging to different advertising channels.

BudOpt is an Artificial Intelligence system that optimizes the budget of a set of advertising campaigns. Given a set of campaigns, an overall budget, every day, BudOpt optimally distributes the budget over the advertising campaigns with the aim of maximizing revenue while respecting the business constraints defined by the customer.

BudOpt uses “online machine learning” techniques suitable for settings in which data are acquired sequentially and used to improve future strategies. In order to improve the long-term allocation strategy, BudOpt appropriately balances revenue optimization strategies with exploration strategies aimed at acquiring useful information to improve its predictions. Furthermore, BudOpt’s strategy aims not only to maximize revenue in the long term, but also to obtain stable daily performance as often requested by the end customer.