
Programming is a woman’s job

These are the words the women of ML cube read when doing a research on the gender gap, in the field of computer science. Here are a few considerations that came up, after reading the famous NY Times article: Programming is a woman’s job If we were in the 50’s these words would have not […]
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Artificial intelligence in everyday life

Whenever Artificial Intelligence is mentioned, many imagine a dystopian future in which every single activity is carried out by machines. Furthermore, a widespread misconception is the fact that Artificial Intelligence is about the future and that it is not yet part of our lives. Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, is applied in the most […]
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Federated Learning To Predict Oxygen Needs

Cambridge’s Addenbrooke’s Hospital in collaboration with NVIDIA and 20 other hospitals around the world has used an Artificial Intelligence algorithm and Federated Learning to predict the oxygen needs of Covid-19 patients in the first days of therapy.   FEDERATED LEARNING: FEDERATED LEARNING FOR ALGORITHMIC TRAINING The AI ​​algorithm employed by Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge was […]
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AI algorithm for diagnosing Covid-19 and other pathologies

The diagnosis of Covid-19 and other diseases has been accelerated thanks to an AI algorithm. Thanks to a technique called Federated Learning, the University of Cambridge International Team has developed an AI algorithm that can be trained using the datasets of other hospitals and foreign facilities. In this way, the diagnostics of Covid-19 and other […]
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Machine Learning Models Life Cycle

In the last years, always more companies started introducing AI systems impacting their business. Machine Learning is used in e-commerce, advertisement, health, finances, driving, industry, and many other contexts. Besides the big tech players such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and IBM, many  new startups born each year raising investments over $40.4B in 2018 (see page […]
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ML cube co-founders won the Best Paper Award at NeurIPS 2020

We are happy to announce that our co-founders Alberto Marchesi and Nicola Gatti (together with Andrea Celli and Gabriele Farina) won the prestigious Best Paper Award at NeurIPS 2020 with a work about no-regret learning dynamics in sequential decision-making. The Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) conference is the most important AI and Machine Learning meeting, […]
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What is Explainable AI (XAI)?

L'Explainable AI (XAI) e l'Interpretable Machine Learning sono due aspetti essenziali nel campo della ricerca e dello sviluppo tecnologico, che avranno importanti ripercussioni nella vita di tutti i giorni e porteranno grandi vantaggi alle aziende che vorranno utilizzare macchine dotate di IA (Intelligenza Artificiale).
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